Lesson Nine : Whom are yor going to see ?

Part One: Reading
















I. Reading :
Zhang = Secretary Zhang Ma = Ma Ji Ming
Ma Ji Ming went to see Mr.(teacher) Fang in the language center.
Zhang : Pardon me. Whom are yor going to see ?
Ma : I am Ma Ji-ming. I want to see Mr.(teacher) Fang.
Zhang : Mr. Fang is on the phone, please wait a moment.
Ma : O.K. I am waiting for him here (for a while).
Zhang : Please take a seat (anywhere you like).
Ma : Thanks. May I read newspapers ?
Zhang : Sure (you can),the newspapers are there, and the coffee is here. Please help yourself.
Ma : Thank you.
II Vocabulary :
to reach (a place);to leave for;to be present (at a meeting,a party..)
the language

the center

a secretary

Whom are you going to see (look for)?
to look for ;to seek

just in the process of (doing something)

on the phone , on the line ; call (someone) by phone
to dial,to make (a phone call) ; to hit ; to beat

a telephone ; a phone call

wait a minute; wait for a little while

wait a minute; wait for a little while

wait a minute; wait for a little while

O. k. , all right ; good ; well
to be at (on, in);


(to a guest) as you like ; anywhere (casually); randomly ; arbitrary;

may ; can

have a look ; to read ; to look at ;to watch

Please help yourself

one's self
to come ; to be at
Part Three: Sentences Patterns and Comprehension
Note :
Progressive action :
put " 
" or "
'' in front of a verb will be sufficient to indicate a kind of progressive condition.
 |   .
I want to sit for a while.
to tale,to talk
to read newspapers
to study chinese
IV. Fluency :

Wait a moment.
Please wait for me .
  =   =     |
wait a minute (monent); wait a little while
    ( ,   ,   )  .
I will be back later.
I am here .
You are there.
He is in Canada.
Where is(are) the book(s) ?
Sit down.
Please sit down
Please take a seat anywhere you like.
have a look ; to watch ; to see

Please have a look.
Please have a look.
Please have a look.
Can you wait a minute ?
I can read this book.
May I have some tea ?
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