Lesson Three: Buying Newspaper (I)


by Hsin-Yun Yao

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Part One: Reading
Part Two: Vocabulary
Part Three: Sentence Patterns and Comprehension
Part Four: Fluency Drill

Part One: Reading

: , ! ?

: .

: ? ?

: , .

: ?

: , , .

I. Reading

Miss Zhang: Hello, Mrs. Lin. What would you like to buy?
Mrs. Lin: I would like to buy some newspapers.
Miss Zhang: What newspapers and how many copies would you like to buy?
Mrs. Lin: I would like to buy one copy of English newspaper and one copy of French one.
Miss Zhang: Do you read both English and French newspapers?
Mrs. Lin: No, I read English newspaper and my husband reads French one.

Part Two: Vocabulary

: N : 1) a sure name ; 2) a measure-word for paper
: N : 1) Miss ; 2) daughter (polite)
: SV : little, small
: N : elder sister
: N : you (singular, female)
: V : to buy
: QW : what
: QW : how many copy of
: QW : how many
: N : two , couple of
: 1) N :a portion or share (of);2) M : a measure-word (for document, newspaper, magazine)
: N : newspaper
: 1) N : newspaper; 2) V : to report
: N : paper
: N : English (written language)
: N : French (written language)
: V : to see, to read, to look
: and
: NU : one
: NU : two
: NU : three
: NU : four
: NU : five
: NU : six
: NU : seven
: NU : eight
: NU : nine
: NU : ten

Part Three: Sentences Patterns and Comprehension

1. Normal sentence order is the same as in English :


Note :

The verbs, in Chinese, are not inflected by person, number, tense, or mood.

2. Question Word " ":

S V QW (N)
? What are you buying ?
? What are you drinking?
()? What (newspaper) are you buying?
()? What (tea) are you drinking?

Note :

The Question Word " " is used at the end of a sentence, without changing the order of the sentence.


number measure-word noun
two copies of newspaper
five pieces of paper


A noun (N) may be preceded by a measure , as in English, Chinese nouns are usually not inflected by number or quantity, when it is desired to indicate these aspects , most common nouns are preceded by both a number and a different measure word. As in English : a pair of shoes ; two sheets of paper ;

Part Four: Fluency Drill

? What are you buying?
What would you like to buy?
? What newspaper are you buying?
What newspaper would you like to buy?
? What tea are you buying?
What tea would you like to buy?
? How many copies of newspaper are you buying?
How many copies of newspaper would you like to buy?
? How many pieces of paper are you buying?
How many pieces of paper would you like to buy?
. You buy a newspaper.
. Miss Zhang buys ten pieces of paper.
. Mr. Wang buys two copies of newspaper.
. Mrs. Lin buys English newspaper.
. My husband buys five copies of French newspaper.
. I buy newspaper.
. My husband reads newspaper.
. Mrs. Wang buys English newspaper.
. Mr. Wang reads French newspaper.
. Mr. Lin buys tea.
. Mrs. Lin drinks tea.

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